Trump, or why I am a Technocrat

Civilization, as a process, is indistinguishable from diminishing time-preference (or declining concern for the present in comparison to the future). Democracy, which both in theory and evident historical fact accentuates time-preference to the point of convulsive feeding-frenzy, is thus as close to a precise negation of civilization as anything could be, short of instantaneous social collapse into murderous barbarism or zombie apocalypse (which it eventually leads to). As the democratic virus burns through society, painstakingly accumulated habits and attitudes of forward-thinking, prudential, human and industrial investment, are replaced by a sterile, orgiastic consumerism, financial incontinence, and a ‘reality television’ political circus. Tomorrow might belong to the other team, so it’s best to eat it all now.

The Dark Enlightenment, by Nick Land

One: Democracy, Mass Democracy and Technocracy
By ”Mass Democracy,” I mean a Democracy wherein the Masses – the laymen -participate in an impactful sense.
By “Technocracy,” I mean a state in which those whom can be considered Experts – Technates – in their field rule.
By “True-Democracy,” I mean a Democracy wherein the Technates are the only particapants.
By “Power,” I mean the rulers of the State.

Sub-section: The origins of Technocracy
Technocracy originated in the 1930’s with Technocracy Incorporated and The Technical Alliance. Despite its recent origin a Platonic influence1 can be observed. Despite declining, the former still exists in a limited form.

Two: Jan Six and the election of Donald Trump
Fueled by lies about a stolen election supporters of former president Donald J. Trump stormed the Capitol in an attempt to overturn the election. Even before his election Trump was an embodiment of all wrong with Democracy. An incoherent2 reality T.V. star, peddling false information about COVID, immigration, Obama, the crowds of his rallies, along with much more, somehow, based on charisma and appealing to a frustrated populus won an election.

This is real.

Disaster followed. Trump incited violence, engaged in corruption, broke multiple laws, aided the Far-Right, et cetera.

In 2020, Trump lost. A radicalized GOP, with his help then started spreading conspiracies about a “stolen” election. This, along with Qanon3, and its predecessors – Pizzagate, for example, – a feeling of betrayal, and the cultish atmosphere that he had created led to January Sixth. Multiple people died, in the unprecedented event.

Despite some good, it is undeniable that he should have been prevented from running; and his presidency was a disaster.

Subsection: Non-Issues
Although, mostly a Conservative issue, Western4 politics are dominated by non-issues. Whether it is C.R.T, “freedom fries,” or “cancel culture,” Mass-Democrats love non-issues.
This is because that is all the laymen cares about. Thus, to gain votes, they appeal to these things. This, too is why Mass-Politics is heavily emotional.

“Wokeness!!!” – The biggest non-issue!

Sub-section: Mass-Democracy and Time Preference
Mass-Democrats have a high Time Preference as, to maintain power, they must appease their voters now – rather than focusing on low Time Preference issues.

Sub section: Matt Walsh; or, the public “intellectual”
Matt Walsh is a fucking idiot. His arguments are riddled with logical fallacies and faulty logic, sources from places like the Daily Mail, and relies on a simplistic view of the world which has no place for complexity. And yet, he is popular. If not due to astroturfing, then because the public is retarded – it is probably both.
We also have such beloved hacks as Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson, Ben “sell your house and move” Shapiro, Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, Sam Harris, Vaush, et cetera.
Should we penalize mis-information? Yes.

Sub-section: Trump, or the bastardization of Debate
Although, not the beginning of the decline, Trump functioned as a Randian symbol – In that it is so obvious that, only Ayn Rand could have written it, if it were fictional – of the decline of debate. Debate is percieved as a deeply philosophical thing undertaken by geniuses who throw oh, so many big words and concepts. As a kid, I imagined debate to be like The School of Athens.

The School of Athens

But, of course, it is not so. Instead, it is simply name-calling. Probably, it was always like this – I don’t know, – but even if that is the case, it has gotten worse, undeniably.

Sub-section: Mass-Democracies as a breeding ground for Conspiracy
As we see in Qanon, or its many antecedents, and contemporaries – Pizzagate, Birhterism, J.F.K assassination conspiracies, McCarthyism, and so on – Mass-Democracy breeds Conspiracy. Many major political figures in the United States are, or were crackpots.
This is because the Masses love Conspiracy, so, to maintain their Power, Politicians have to use Conspiracy. Further, the laymen, when told by someone they trust, will usually believe whatever they are told, and, when the fact-checkers arrive, they are so radicalized as for it to be useless.

Sub-section: Mediacracy, Fake News, the neccesity of State Media
In Mass-Democratic Nations, news sources are usually never penalized for peddling false information – Despite its infamous track record for publishing Fake News, FOX still goes strong. A large amount of the U.S. population trusts FOX, or other sources like it. Here, some of our most popular news sources are dogshit.
This is because FOX, the Daily Mail, and so on are publically owned, therefore they are incentivized to publish profitable information.
Returning to our opening, Jan Sixth had no grounding – Its central lies being spread by, among others, FOX and Breitbart, – and would have been prevented if, at least, they were penalized. Fake News Media interrupts the Feedback Loop through Destabilization.
The solution: State Media!

Three: Why?
People are retarded.

Sub-section: What is to be done?
Abolish Mass-Democracy, and replace it with Technocracy.

Four: The Technocratic State
Power must be Justified through the competence of the Powerful – This is the Power Justification Principle, or the PJP. A Monarchy does not pass this test as, unless you create a dynasty of Philosopher-Kings, the Monarch is only ruler out of luck. It is the same with Mass-Democracy.
Although human, a Techantes Expertise in his field justifies his rule – Knowing more about Sexology than Bob from down the street!

In a True-Democracy, Technates, with their expertise, can participate because their vote contains more value than in Mass-Democracy. These Technates must meet to decide what bills to pass using their expertise. Their opinion only having value insofar as it relates to their expertise.

The Technates will be chosen through finding the most respected in their field, and appointing them to a position. If it is found that they are con-men in a way relating to their expertise, they shall be expelled.

Sub-section: The role of the laymen in a Technocratic state
Although having no Power the laymen will function to maintain the State by a cradle-to-grave mass mobilization5 which reinforces the Techante’s Power. Benefits will be given to maintain loyalty.

Sub-section: Collectivism or Individualism?
The Collective is more efficient than the Individual as it can attain resources, of all kinds easier. Man does not exist alone – thus, collectivism is needed.
A feedback-loop of Individual and State is created wherein the Individual maintains the State, and the State maintains the individual. Without this feedback-loop Individuals drown. Thus, the State must maintain this Loop.
There is Positive – Maintaining the Loop -, Negative – Destroying the Loop -, and Neutral Freedom. We opposve drug use but tolerate homosexuals for this reason.
Negative speech will not be tolerated, whereas Neutral or Positive speech will be6.

Sub-section: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?7
There are two responses to this question:
Firstly, the Technates guard themselves through their intellectualism in a way which cannot be said of Democracy, or Monarchy.
Secondly, a constitution will exist as a safeguard.
To the latter, how will this be created? Should there be a night-watchman to prevent this – but then how will they be chosen? Honestly, I am not sure. However, I prefer the second, although the refutation arises: “They are human!” As mentioned previously, this can be negated, as they are Academics.
Maybe, we can have both, but, there are flaws here.

Sub-section: “B-b-but muh democrazi naytionz got da beeg geedeepee!!”
A common rebuttal is: “But Mass-Democratic have better GDP than authoritarian states.” This confuses Correlation with Causation. Further, although, yes, many Democratic states are rich, there are rich Authoritarian states, Technocrat or otherwise: China, Singapore, and so on.

  1. Through his concept of the “Philosopher-King.” ↩︎
  2. Bouncing from Democrat to Republican, and contradicting himself on policy constantly. ↩︎
  3. Qanon is a Religious and Political movement which, at its core, claims a cabal of Satanic, pedophilic DNC politicians, who sacrifice and eat children are running a deep-state cabal against the interests of Trump and his followers. It should be noted that this conspiracy has similiarities to things like Blood Libel and the “Jewish Question” as espoused by the Far-Right. Multiple politicians, like Marjorie Taylor Greene have supported it.

    Qanon spread through appealing to a “betrayed,” and devoutly Evangelical supporter-base. ↩︎
  4. I include countries like Australia as they can be considered Western socially. ↩︎
  5. Through things like parades, propaganda, and service. ↩︎
  6. For example: ANTIFA rarely commits Terrorism, thus there is no reason to go after them, whereas the Proud Boys do. ↩︎
  7. Translation: “Who will guard the guards themselves?” ↩︎

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